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Are your workforce management processes stuck in the 90s?

If you are still managing your day-to-day operations with a combination of pen and paper, spreadsheets or software that’s older than many of your employees, you’re not alone.

So many businesses still rely on outdated methods to help them take charge of everything from onboarding new staff, to creating rosters, to communicating shifts and more – with dire consequences for productivity and profitability.

At a time when it’s so important to keep your business costs as low as possible, clunky old systems and manual data entry may seem like a cheap solution, but chances are these methods are costing your business far more than you think.

With benefits including creating efficiencies, eliminating payroll errors, and keeping your employees happy and engaged, all-in-one workforce management (WFM) software is one of the most effective ways you can streamline business processes and save on labour costs in 2021.

Signs your WFM process is outdated

Is it time to implement new WFM software in your business? Here are the signs to look out for:

  • You rely on manual data entry to transfer information from system to system (or spreadsheet to spreadsheet).
  • Existing processes are so complex that the idea of implementing new software is completely overwhelming.
  • Trying to understand your existing software – or teach it to a new team member – is a constant challenge.
  • Access to reporting and analytics is limited, and can’t be customised or automated.
  • Your software systems don’t multitask – they are good at one thing, and one thing only.
  • You’re spending too much money on monthly subscriptions without any real results.
  • Your HR and payroll teams can’t work remotely and are more or less office-bound.

If any of the above rings true, chances are it’s high time for a change. Why waste another year using software with a poor user experience, that underperforms and costs your business more than it returns? Now is the time to upgrade to a future-focused, leading solution for your workforce management.

Stay compliant with modern award compliance

Keeping up with award compliance and Fair Work regulations in Australia is arguably the most challenging aspect of workforce management. With frequent revisions to rules and regulations it’s not easy for your payroll team to stay up-to-date, and the last thing you want to do is risk underpaying your staff – a costly mistake for any business.

With cloud-based WFM software, the ability to build in the latest legislative changes make it easy for you to be compliant. This automation works seamlessly across rostering and payroll, so you don’t have to worry about not meeting obligations and paying your team incorrectly.

Maximise time efficiency

How many hours a week does your team spend on manual data entry when a new team member starts, building rosters, communicating them to staff, then calculating how much each team member should be paid? Effective WFM doesn’t have to be so time consuming.

All-in-one WFM software automates all these processes and more, making it easy for you to onboard, roster, manage and pay your entire team in a few easy steps. No more time wasted on importing and exporting data or keeping track of paperwork – just one source of truth in an easy-to-use, seamless system.

Access comprehensive reporting

If you’re still using a calculator or complex Excel formulas to conjure up labour cost reports and business intelligence information, you’re missing out on all the benefits that come with real-time analytics and the ability to track trends as they emerge.

With Roubler, you can access comprehensive reporting with one click, giving you instant insight into business performance, employee attendance, rostering costs and more. Our built-in cost centre feature goes one step further, enabling you to track costs within specific departments and better understand your staffing and labour efficiency.

Keep your data safe and accessible

If all your workforce-related information is stored on your computer’s hard drive – or worse, in a filing cabinet – you are putting your business at significant risk. In case of fire, natural disaster or theft, your data is gone.

Cloud-based software helps ensure everything you need to manage your workforce effectively is there when you need it. When your data is stored in the cloud, you can access it anywhere you have internet access, at any time.

Roubler uses Amazon Web Services, a highly secure cloud storage service that holds data for the likes of NASA, Netflix and Airbnb (to name a few), so you know your information is always safe, secure and readily available.

Make the shift to Roubler

Put down your pens, scrap the spreadsheets and stop using outdated software: 2021 is the year of digitalising and automating your WFM practices. It may seem like a daunting change, but making the switch will streamline your processes, quickly resulting in time and cost savings across your entire business.

Roubler provides a seamless cloud-based system that will help your team make the most of the time you have, enabling you to work on leadership and growth strategy.

Book a demo with one of Roubler’s workforce management experts to find out how we can help you transform your WFM practices in 2021.

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