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8 Roubler features you might not know about, to help you cope with COVID-19

You already know Roubler is the perfect software solution to help you manage your HR and payroll – but did you know it is also packed with powerful features that will make your life easier throughout the COVID-19 outbreak? From e-learning to video sharing, here are eight features you might not know about, which will help you and your team through these tough times.

1.    Cloud technology

Roubler’s cloud-based workforce management software gives you the advantage during self-isolation, as it enables you to stay connected no matter where you are. Rather than having to work from a specific computer, you can log in on any mobile device, PC or laptop, no matter where you are. This is ideal when your team is suddenly faced with having to work from home. With Roubler, you and your team can access your system wherever you have an internet connection.

2.    Document library

This simple yet powerful feature is an essential tool for information and knowledge sharing whether you’re working remotely or in full lockdown. Do you need to keep your team informed of the latest government announcements and incentives? Do you have a new work from home policy? Simply upload the files, choose which employees need to access them, and they’ll be able to view them it in their employee portal and sign anything that needs their signature.

3.    Video sharing

At a time when people are craving human connections, video is a powerful way to help your team put faces to names, build rapport and convey empathy across your team. Roubler lets you share video content via the document library, which is perfect if you need to get a message out to your workforce such as an announcement from the CEO. This will help your leadership team communicate effectively and keep everyone connected.

4.    Availability

You’d be forgiven for thinking this feature isn’t relevant if your team is working remotely – but it’s now more than ever it’s important to know when everyone is working. As many employees have been asked to cut back their hours, they are seeking out alternative sources of income. Side gigs are becoming the norm as people try to earn a living whatever way they can, which means they will only be available at specific times. This feature ensures teams are always in the loop when it comes to everyone’s availability.

5.    Shift swapping

If there’s one silver lining we’ve witnessed throughout the COVID-19 epidemic it’s been the sheer resilience we’ve seen across so many industries. Business owners who are battling to stay afloat are finding new ways of operating despite mandates to self-isolate and lockdown. Retailers have reinforced their online presence; hospitality businesses are offering takeaway; all of which is helping keep shift-based workers employed. This means letting your team swap shifts with their colleagues is still a much-needed business function – made easy with Roubler.

6.    Pay slips

It might sound obvious, but your employees will still need to receive pay slips if they are working during self-isolation and lockdown. If your business is still in the practice of issuing paper pay slips, this poses an immediate problem: going digital will give your team the flexibility they need to receive their pay slips from within their very own mobile app, rather than having to go into work to collect them.

7.    Expense claims

When your team is working from home, chances are they are still accruing expenses and may be eligible to have these costs reimbursed by your business. Everything from pens and notebooks to computer hardware are essential for running a business remotely, but now is not the time to leave your staff out of pocket. With Roubler, they can submit expense claims from the convenience of their mobile phone or computer.

8.    E-learning

We may have saved the best till last – did you know that Roubler offers an e-learning library? You can upload your own training materials or choose from thousands of existing courses, and give your team access via the Roubler system. This is the perfect way to ensure your team is making the most of any downtime and encourage them to keep developing their skillset.

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