Employee engagement
Latest News / Employee Engagement / Learning & Development

Roses are red, violets are blue, if you show your employees some appreciation, they’ll work hard for you.

Love, admiration and appreciation don’t just hold a place in our personal lives, but can also extend to our work lives and relationships with colleagues. Every leader dreams of the day when all employees get together to shout from the rooftops, “I love my job and my co-workers!”

Engaged employees are more likely to work harder and be happier. Businesses that value high employee engagement are 22% more profitable and 21% more productive. The more engaged employees are at work, the more likely they’ll be to throw around that four letter word that is music to any employer’s ears.

What goes around, must come back around in the world of business leadership, and appreciating the effort your employees put in day in, day out, is a sure-fire way to make sure they fall head over heels with their work.

Whatever your employees’ love language may be, take the time to set them up for success with workforce management software that warms their hearts and motivates them to achieve. With ongoing learning opportunities, employee app, and a proactive approach to health and safety, you can boost employee engagement and spread the love.

Let them know they’re worth every shift

One of the best ways to show your employees some love is by providing them with the right tools to succeed – even before they start their shift. The more prepared they are for the day, the more engaged they will be.

Roubler’s workforce management software is the perfect way to offer your staff the gift of a self service employee app. Provide your employees with an app they can access anywhere, at any time and give them the flexibility to clock in, access rosters, swap shifts, manage expenses and request leave from the palm of their hand.

Your staff will no longer need to take photos of rosters so they can have a copy with them. There will be no more writing down of working hours on paper time sheets. The convenience of an app takes away the burden of having to recall when they worked and creates a stress-free way to remember schedules.

Inspire with love and guide with knowledge

Skip boxes of chocolates this year and gift your employees with the power of knowledge and development. Research shows that learning and development is a crucial driver of high employee engagement.

Roubler can help your team unlock their full potential with world-class e-learning they can access 24/7 on any device connected to the internet. There’s no better way to make sure your team is on top of their game than with materials they can learn at their own pace, from whenever and wherever they choose.

If you want to go the extra mile and add a personalised touch, Roubler allows you to design your online training programs that you can monitor for progress.

Spread love – not Covid

Bringing your team together to share appreciation is important, but the last thing you want for your business is a tragic love story that ends in a lockdown. Ensure you maintain safe and hygienic practices while you work to increase employee engagement.

Keeping your staff connected while remaining contactless may seem redundant, but Roubler’s employee self service app makes it possible to keep germs in the workplace at bay.

The Roubler app allows employees to clock in and out of their shifts from their mobile devices – meaning no more communal timesheets or finger-scanners. You can also send them clock in questions related to Covid-19 such as “Do you have any flu-like symptoms?”. Any notable answers will come through to management so they can take appropriate action.

With love,


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