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COVID-19: It’s time to prepare for a strong recovery

Since the COVID-19 pandemic first hit, businesses have been booted into survival mode, having to frantically protect every precious resource they have. While we can’t predict what’s going to happen next, we can focus on preparing for the inevitable, and much anticipated, recovery phase.

One thing’s for sure, there’s light at the end of this tunnel. The food and beverage, and retail industries have been some of the hardest hit by the crisis, but evidence shows that once SARS was under control, three out of the five worst-performing sectors became part of the top 5 best-performing sectors.

You will need to find ways to be more efficient than ever and utilise resources wisely – we’re not only going to have to keep up with the influx of demand but we need to make up for the downtime and take full advantage of the new opportunities that arise.

Here’s how to prepare for your comeback:

1.    Adapt to survive

It is survival of the fittest out there and the fittest are going to be those companies that accept change as the new norm and flexibility as an integral member of the team. If we take one valuable lesson out of the COVID-19 crisis let it be that we need to remain on our toes.

This requires a proactive approach through observing the environment closely and being on high alert. Business leaders will need to take on changes and challenges and swoop up the opportunities that will be oozing from the cracks.

Many brands have been quick to adapt to help their communities and survive the crisis. Virgin Atlantic replaced empty aeroplanes with medical supplies to assist with distribution needs. Netflix Parties launched to connect friends by hosting long-distance movie nights, and consumer brands like Louis Vuitton and Lamborghini changed their production lines to produce personal protective equipment.

2.    Prioritise people and communication

Wendy Alberts, Chief Executive Officer of the Restaurants Association of South Africa (RASA) says the restaurant industry – being one of the hardest to be hit from the crisis – is learning new ways of doing business. She says workforce management is going to be crucial in teaching and training staff to be better than they were before.

Besides looking at ways to run more efficiently, your workforce is going to be an essential force that aids the recovery process of your business. Invest in training and upskilling, motivating, and anything else that will increase employee satisfaction in your business.

Workforce management is made simple through Roubler’s platform. You can manage every aspect of the employee lifecycle, from recruiting and onboarding through to rostering, managing, paying and training your team, all on one platform. What’s more, any new policies you introduce during these difficult times can be easily communicated with your entire team via the app on their mobile devices – a big step towards making your workforce more productive.

3.    Rediscover your customer

People’s lives have changed, globally. You’ve probably heard this a few times but life for many will be different – the way we interact with one another, do business and live. It is very likely that your customers’ needs, wants, goals and aspirations have changed. Some businesses have ventured into new industries completely.

You can use this opportunity to get to know your customer better than you knew them before. This experience has enhanced the human touch and has brought us closer. Engage with your customers and start from the beginning again. Pretend like you don’t know them and find out who they are.

4.    Build your future business

Technology is a key driver here. It helps give you visibility of your business and helps you manage your processes and people easily. Businesses that have been slow with adopting new technologies have been hit hard by the crisis and work-from-home requirements. We have had to lean on technology now more than ever before.

In a matter of weeks, businesses had to make the move to cloud technology, due to the rapid spread of the Coronavirus, and ensure that they could easily transition to remote working, to keep the business operational. Some of Roubler’s features, that includes cloud technology, are examples of digital tools that have helped customers cope with COVID-19.

As we continue to sail through uncharted waters, the window for making vital decisions has not closed. The choices businesses make now will have a massive impact. Hold on tight, the recovery is coming…

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