Document management on tablet

Online job offers and employment contracts

Create, review and deliver job offers straight to your new team member’s mobile, tablet or desktop in seconds.

Send documents on tablet

Engage and secure top candidates in seconds.

Don’t lose top candidates with a slow job offer and acceptance process. Welcome your new employees quickly with an online job offer and employment contract that they can sign and accept without the need for emailing, printing and scanning. Roubler’s onboarding software allows you to upload your customised job offers and employment contracts, including your employment terms and conditions, as part of your customised onboarding process. Their signed offer and contract is then stored with their employee profile in their personal document library.

Upload documents on tablet

Upload your own employment and onboarding documents.

Quickly, easily and intuitively upload your employment contracts, policies, employee handbooks and information to our document library. Stored on the cloud, these documents can be read, acknowledged and signed online.

  • Upload new hiring policies
  • Establish different documents for each individual position
  • Create mobile-friendly offers and acceptances
Sign documents on tablet

Communicate and confirm instantly with new hires.

Don’t wait around to receive confirmation via email or post. You will be notified instantly your new hire accepts their job offer and signs a contract.

  • Secure engaged and work-ready employees quickly
  • Real-time communication and alerts
  • Actions are logged in the onboarding software
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